
House: Lowell. Concentration: Psychology. Hometown: San Angelo, Texas. Ideal Date: Coffee and adventure. Best way for a guy/girl to get

House: Lowell.

Concentration: Psychology.

Hometown: San Angelo, Texas.

Ideal Date: Coffee and adventure.

Best way for a guy/girl to get your attention: Be bold. Like, punch-me-in-the-face bold.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Out. Possibly Blackout.

First thing you notice about a guy/girl: That depends. Is it a guy or a girl?

Your best pick-up line: Pick a number between 1 and 10...You lose! Take off your clothes.

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: I’m straight.

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: I’m not as stupid as you look.

Favorite childhood toy: Books. I was a nerd.

Sexiest physical trait: I was once told that I’ve got amazing eyebrows.

Favorite part about Harvard: The people.

Describe yourself in three words: Happy, excited, college.

In 15 minutes you are: Watching “The Lion King.”

In 15 years you are: Still happy, still excited.
