
Mass General Researchers Report Major Breakthrough in Deadly Brain Cancer Treatment

Researchers at the Mass General Cancer Center reported a breakthrough in treatment for glioblastoma in a March 13 paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Dana-Farber to Retract 6 Papers, Correct 31 Following Data Manipulation Claims

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute initiated retractions or corrections to 37 papers authored by four senior researchers following allegations of data falsification, according to a DFCI research integrity officer Sunday.

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Researchers Accused of Manipulating Data

Four senior researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute allegedly falsified data in multiple papers, a data investigation blogger claimed last Tuesday.

MGH Researchers Develop AI Tool To Predict Melanoma Recurrence

Scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital have developed a new tool that uses artificial intelligence to predict which patients are most likely to experience a recurrence of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer.

Scripps Research Director Eric Topol Discusses Covid Vaccination and Misinformation at Belfer Center

Cardiologist Eric J. Topol, founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, discussed Covid-19 vaccination as part of the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center’s Diversity in STEM series on Wednesday in conversation with Belfer Fellow and epidemiologist Syra Madad.

Harvard Medical School Professor Frederick W. Alt to be Awarded One of Germany’s Highest Medical Honors

Harvard Medical School professor Frederick W. Alt will be awarded the 2023 Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize, one of Germany’s highest medical honors, at an award ceremony held at St. Paul’s Church in Frankfurt, Germany next March.

Harvard Health Researchers Launch Website to Dispel Cancer Misinformation

Harvard and Dana-Farber researchers launched a website called Cancer FactFinder to provide vetted information about the causes of cancer on this year’s World Health Day.

Fauci Says Pandemic Still Far From Controlled in School of Public Health Address

Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the U.S. still remains far from controlling the Covid-19 pandemic in a virtual lecture at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health on Friday afternoon.

Researchers, Bioethicists Discuss the Future of Psychedelic Therapy in Petrie-Flom Webinar

Experts in the fields of psychedelics, health care, and bioethics gathered virtually to discuss the ethical implications of psychedelic-assisted therapy in a webinar held by Harvard Law School’s Petrie-Flom Center on Thursday.

Harvard Researchers Launch $43M Global Human Flourishing Study

Researchers at Harvard and Baylor University launched a $43.4 million research initiative last month to examine the causes of “human flourishing.”

Fahedur Fahed

Fahedur Fahed '22 has volunteered at the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter for eight years. Fahed carries Narcan with him so that he is prepared to respond to overdoses.

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