A Broken System

By Rachael A. Dziaba

Clubs, Classes, Houses: When Survivors of Sexual Assault Can’t Avoid Their Assaulters

Imagine this: You are the president of a Harvard student organization, and a member approaches you after being assaulted by someone else in the club. They don’t want to go to Title IX, but they don’t want to see the person who had harmed them.

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The Title IX Process is Like a Trial. Many Survivors Navigate it Alone.

After Riley K. Sutherland was harassed by multiple professors at the University of South Carolina, she filed a Title IX complaint. The ensuing investigation was “one of the most harrowing challenges” she’d ever experienced, lasting for three years.

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How Harvard Killed Its Best Title IX Resource

“You are not alone” reads a sticker stuck on the door of the Lamont Library bathroom stall. At first glance, the purple rectangle offers a helpful list of resources for people who have experienced sexual assault, with phone numbers for Harvard University Health Services, peer counseling, and Harvard University Police.

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