
Harvard Employee Fired Following Online Heated Exchange With Jewish Student


Encampment Protesters Set Monday Deadline for Harvard to Begin Negotiations


73 Harvard Undergrads Win 2024 Hoopes Prize for Senior Theses


Faculty of Arts and Sciences to Consider Starting Faculty Senate Planning Process


Harvard To Install 3-Foot Barriers During Freshmen Move Out as Yard Remains Occupied

"Out of the Running"

By Lauren A. Sierra
Shauna L. Shames ’01 speaks about her forthcoming book “Out of the Running: Why Millennials Reject Political Careers and Why it Matters” at the Women's Center on Wednesday evening.
Shauna L. Shames ’01 speaks about her forthcoming book “Out of the Running: Why Millennials Reject Political Careers and Why it Matters” at the Women's Center on Wednesday evening.

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