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Introducing Hashtag#arvardSports

By Courtesy Crimson Sports Staff, Crimson Staff Writer

Rick Reilly. Some love him. Some hate him. Some really hate him.

But regardless of your feelings toward the ESPN columnist, we’re willing to bet you still have been amused by his #cashtag competitions: Reilly would provide a hashtag (such as #ThinnestSportsBook), and followers would tweet back with clever responses (like “Basketball Practice Drills” by Allen Iverson or “Knowing When to Walk Away” by Brett Favre).

We thought we would take Reilly’s idea and apply it to the Harvard sports scene. Each week, we will release a hashtag via Twitter (follow us at @THCsports), and the following week we will publish the best responses on The Back Page.

So, to get everyone thinking, here’s an example. If the hashtag were #ThingsHarvardAthletesSay, you could tweet back with “Are these my DHAs or yours?” or “No, actually it’s Division I…”


So, for this week’s Hashtag#arvardSports competition, the hashtag is #OverheardAtTheMac. Enjoy!

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